Grundfos Pump Unilift CC5A

Grundfos Pump Unilift CC5A incredibly robust advanced domestic drainage solution for pumping grey to brackish wastewater from washing machines, baths, sinks, wells, and swimming pools. Special versions can pump wastewater from water softeners with salt content. For a long period of submerged operation, the pump is equipped with a cooling jacket and has a dual-outlet to be mounted to an auto coupling. A self-venting hydraulic allows the pump to start safely after a dry period. The pump is also able to drain flooded basements, for example, down to just 3 mm

Grundfos Pump Unilift CC5A


Grundfos Pump Unilift CC5A single-stage submersible drainage pump, designed for the pumping of drain water and grey wastewater. The Unilift CC can pump down to a water level of 0.12″ above the floor by removing the strainer. Suitable for permanent as well as temporary installation, fitted with a non-return flap valve in the outlet in order to prevent backflow from the piping system. An adaptor ensures good connections to 3/4″, 1″, or 1 1/4″ outlets.

The strainer is made of stainless steel, while the main pump parts, e.g. the sleeve and pump housing, are made of moulded composite materials.

Features :

  • Corrosion-free, lightweight composite sleeve
  • Strong stainless steel strainer
  • Stainless steel inside for maximum strenght
  • Remove water to as low as 0.12″

Applications :

  • Washing machines, baths, sinks, etc.
    Low-lying parts of building up to sewer levels
  • Cellar or buildings prone to flooding
  • Draining wells
  • Collecting wells for surface water with inlets from roof gutters, tunnels etc.
  • Swimming pools, ponds or fountains.

Technical Data :

Unilift CC 5A0.24 kW6 m35 m
Unilift CC 7A0.38 kW10 m37 m
Unilift CC 9A0.78 kW14 m39 m

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