Horizontal Pump Split Case HS Grundfos is a single-stage, non self-priming, between bearing, centrifugal volute pump. The axially split design allows easy removal of the top casing and access to the pump components (bearing, wear rings, impeller, and shaft seal) without disturbing the motor or pipework.
The Grundfos HS horizontal pump split case are used for liquid transfer and pressure boosting in these main fields of applications commercial system, industrial systems, water distribution, and irrigation.

Commercial Sytem
- Air conditioning and chilled water systems
- Water condensing systems and cooling towers
- Boiler feed and condensate systems
- District cooling plants
- Swimming pools and fountains
Industrial System
- Process cooling and chilled water systems
- Industrial heating systems
- Wash down and cleaning systems
Water distribution and water treatment
- public waterworks
- non-portable water systems
Irrigation and aquaculture
- Field irrigation (flooding)
- Sprinkler irrigation
Feature and Benefits :
- Easy to service : split
- Double suction minimizes axial load, which extends he life of the wear rings, shaft seal and bearings
- Double volute reduces radial forces and minimizes noise and vibration
- Independent bearing housing design allows access to the pump components without removing the top half of the casing
- High energy efficiency
- Low life-cycle coasts
- Many product variants available
- Robust between bearing design
- Removable bearing housing for easy maintenance
- Flange dimensions according to EN 1092-2 (DIN 2501)
Application of Horizontal Pump Split Case HS Grundfos:
- Air conditioning/ heating systems
- Public water supply
- District cooling/ heating plants
- Cooling systems
- Public waterworks
- Process cooling
- Irrigation
- Other industrial system
Technical Data :
- Flow rate : maximum 2,500 m ³/h
- Head : maximum 148 m
- Liquid temperature : 12 to +100 ℃
- Operating pressure : maximum 16 bar